

Published on 06.10.2017

Call For Papers

The first issue of the Etnomüzikoloji Journal, the publication of the Ethnomusicology Association (in Turkey), will consist of articles on the subject of "Music and Gender". The articles prepared according to the relevant writing rules should be sent to until January 12, 2018.


About Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi (Journal)


Ethnomusicology Association (in Turkey)


Editor in Chief

Asoc.Prof. Dr. Seyit Yöre


Assistant Editor

Asst. Prof. Dr. Urum Ulaş Özdemir


Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Fırat Kutluk

Prof. Dr. Martin Stokes

Prof. Dr. Thomas James Solomon

Prof. Dr. Irene Markoff

Asoc.Prof. Dr. Özlem Doğuş Varlı

Asoc.Prof. Dr. Okan Murat Öztürk

Asoc.Prof. Aykut Çerezlioğlu

Asst.Prof. Dr. Urum Ulaş Özdemir



Technical Editor and Secretary 

Mehmet Uzun


General Information

Ethnomusicology (ISSN) is a publication of the Association of Ethnomusicology is a refereed journal published twice a year. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. The journal can include ethnomusicology and in other branches of musicology are articles  on the basis of original research-based or theoretical articles, articles from post-graduate theses, interviews, reviews about published books and music recordings. Translations of previously published articles are not considered. Contributors do not have to be members of the association.  Articles and interviews should be in accordance with the previously announced theme of the journal. Writings to be submitted to the journal must comply with the following writing rules. Writings sent to the journal will be examined with double-blind peer-reviewing system. The editorial order of the manuscripts is as follows: Editor in Chief and editorial board (general), technical editor (writing rules), referees (content), Editor in Chief and editorial board (final decision). Any manuscript that does not comply with the writing rules can be sent to the author for correction after a technical editor review. Written articles that are found to be corrected can be re-evaluated. The copyright of the texts published in the journal belongs to the Association of Ethnomusicology. The authors are deemed to have accepted it when they sent their writings.



1. Heading

Each writing should have a title that does not exceed fifteen words. Main headings (14 pt, all capital letters, centered, bold). Other headings (12 pt, all capital letters, flush left with TAB, bold). Place a footnote with the symbol * in the main title of the postgraduate thesises, write this phrase: “This article has been produced from the first author's master / doctoral thesis”, and the relevant thesis’ information should be given at the references.


2. Author(s) Name(s) and Address(es)

These should be under the title of the article and should be centered on the page. The surname must be written in all capital letters; also the title, institution and e-mail address of the author(s) should be indicated by the footnote * symbol(s). (The articles produced from the post-graduate thesises must be approved by the advisor and must be written two authors) Advisor's name should be in the second place.


3. Abstract and Key Words

Turkish articles should be in Turkish and English abstracts, but in English articles only English abstracts. The abstracts should reflect the purpose, method and results of the study. The abstracts should be between 100-150 words. Key Words consisting of 5 words should be written in a line below the abstract.


4. Main Text

The articles must be written using an IBM compatible computer and a Microsoft Word software program that does not exceed twenty-five pages. Page structure A4 size, margins right, left, top and bottom 3 cm, text 1.5 line spacing and two sides aligned, paragraph spacing, before and after 6 nk. The page number should be given to the bottom right of the page. Book Antique fonts should be used, no spelling at the end of the line. A “TAB” key should be used at the beginning of the paragraph. The articles should be written in a clear and simple manner in the direction of a specific problem / purpose and method, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose and scope should not be included. An article should contain a abstract, sections of the main text (includes Introduction and Conclusion), references and (if any) suffixes. The introduction should cover the problem / purpose and method of the article, but the use of other sub-headings depends on the nature of the article and the subject. Main, intermediate and sub headings can be used to provide a certain order.


5. Figures, tables and photographs

Figures, tables and photographs (high resolution and JPG) should not be moved outside the page, and each must be placed on a separate page if necessary. They should be given number and must be called according to article writing language. The name and numbers should be written below figures and photos, above tables.


6. References Formatting

All references formatting should be done according to APA 6.0 edition linked below:




