Published on 06.05.2024
While gastroethnomusicology looks at the relationship between music and food as indicators of the world of symbols encapsulated in rituals, it treats the music and food duo as important cultural indicators of daily and special moment experiences.
Based on this path, the Journal of Gastroethnomusicology creates a database, remembers and reminds about the lifestyles created by the environmental conditions of the past, present and future, the spice and salt paths named by humanity in pursuit of food and drink, and the musical moments of the effort to reach food, preserve and present food. , is setting out to be a periodical published with the aim of reading about new lifestyles through the duo of music and food.
You can use the address to send articles to the Journal of Gastroethnomusicology, which are not limited to the subheadings listed below. Deadline for submitting your articles, book/web page reviews: May 20, 2024
The role of food and music in the transformation/continuation of tradition
The power of music and eating habits to carry and transmit culture
The transformation of food and music as class indicators in popular culture
Emotional matching of flavors and music
Relation of food/drink and music in ceremonies (wedding, funeral, etc.)
The unity of food and music culture during holidays and festivals
Common tools in food and music culture in the context of spatial variation of cultural products
Music and food culture in traditional dances (medium play, shadow play, village theatrical plays)
Music and food culture in Anatolian musical conversation traditions
Phenomenological dimension of sound and taste phenomena and their role in collective memory
Shared tastes/sounds and multicultural functions
Tastes/sounds against hegemonic structures
Creativity, creative cities, creative networks and the positioning of music
Food, music, space in creating a city image
Street music/food: fast food and urban identity
The music of gastrodiplomacy
Climate change, changing vegetation and the evolution of plant-based instruments
The role of music in new basic culture formations, food and music culture cooperation
The relationship between vegan food and alternative music movement
Communication of eating strategies and environmental effects
Perception of popularity in art, the relationship between food and music in the dimension of commodification
Metaverse life's reflection on eating, drinking and music making practices
1. Title
Each article must have a title not exceeding fifteen words in the language in which it was written. Main headings and subheadings should be written with capital initials, Times New Roman font, bold and centered on the page. Subheadings should be in paragraph alignment with the “TAB” key. For graduate thesis articles, a footnote with the * symbol should be placed at the end of the main title and the phrase "produced from the first author's master's or doctoral thesis" should be included, and the relevant thesis information should be given in the bibliography.
2. Author Name(s) and Address(es)
Name-Surname should be written below the title of the article and aligned to the right. The author's title, institution and e-mail address should be indicated with the * symbol in the footnote.
3. Summary and Keywords /
In Turkish articles, there should be Turkish and English abstracts, and in English articles, it should be only in English and between 100-150 words. Key words consisting of 5 words should be written below the abstract.
4. Main Text
Articles should be written without page numbers, using Microsoft Word and Times New Roman font. Articles should be written clearly and simply in line with a specific problem/purpose and method. An article should include an abstract, sections of the main text (including Introduction and Conclusion), bibliography and appendices (if any). In the "Introduction", information about the problem/purpose and method of the article subject should be given, respectively, and the use of other subheadings should be determined depending on the type of study and the need for the subject.
Footnotes should not be used in the text, and should be included under the article notes heading before the bibliography.
5. Figures, tables and photographs:
Figures, tables and photographs (high resolution and JPG) should not extend beyond the writing area, should be numbered and named according to the writing language of the article. Figure and photo no. and their names at the bottom of the image, table no. and their names should be written above the image.
6. References Formatting
All citation formatting should be done according to APA 6.0 edition, linked below. However, quotations are included in the text, not as footnotes (Surname, Year: page). (Turkish)
All references formatting should be done according to APA 6.0 edition linked below:
7- Article Submission
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