Published on 01.08.2020
Call for Article (Ethnomusicology Journal 6th Issue /Year: 3 / V: 2)
Ethnomusicology Journal invites articles for the sixth issue that focuses on new approaches and new perspective on the fieldwork in ethnomusicology. We invite you to submit papers that include theoretical approaches including general implications of ethnomusicology from past to present as well as contemporary adaptations, bi-musicality, music as/in culture, being insider/outsider. This edition will aim to highlight studies that focus on genres within the cultural phenomena and new or current transcription technics.
The Autumn 2020 issue (the 6th issue) will mark the third year in publication of Ethnomusicology journal, which is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. We accept original articles, translated articles, book and CD-DVD reviews written both in Turkish or English.
Deadline for submissions: 7 Eylül 2020 to or
We believe that every article is an important contribution for the literature of ethnomusicology, thus we look forward for your valuable contribution as an association of ethnomusicology.
You can access Ethnomusicology via Dergipark, Association of Ethnomusicology web cite with open access and ASOS INDEX. You can ask hard copy via e-mail as well.
Sincerely yours...
Prof. Dr. Özlem DOĞUŞ VARLI
6th Issue Editor